Monday 29 April 2019

German Explosive Ordnance - PD and Miscellaneous Small Bombs (Part 1)

German Explosives

PD 500kg

Overall length: 6 feet 11 inches
Body Length: 4 feet 6 and 1/2 inches
Body Diameter: 11 inches
Tail Length: 2 feet 6 and 1/2 inches
Tail Width: 1 foot 11 inches

Filling: (109) RDX/Wax/A1.  The filling, designation 109, has previously been found in PC 1800 RS, associated with a nose filling block of nitroguanidine.

Weight of filling: 32 kilograms
Total Weight: 500 kilograms (approx.)
Charge/Weight Ratio: 6.4%

Color: Sky blue overall with a red stripe on tail cone.

Construction: The body of the PD 500 is constructed of drawn steel.  Compared to the weight of the bomb, it has a very small explosive cavity.  In place of the normal transverse fuze pocket, there is a charging head.  Electrical leads pass from the charging head tot he fuze which is found in the base plate.

The magnesium alloy tail unit is screwed to the base of the bomb with 24 screws.

Suspension: Horizontal by means of an H-type lug.

Remarks: The bomb is stated to be intended for attacking armored targets, especially warships.  It is dropped in horizontal flight from a height of at least 11,500 feet.

The penetration of armor is stated to be 5 and 1/2 inches, increased in later models to 6 and 1/4 inches.  It is of two-piece construction.  The leads from the charging head traverse through a machined hole in the drawn steel bomb body.  This bomb employs an H-type carrying lug.

1/2kg Anti-Personnel Parachute Bomb

Overall length: 4 and 1/4 inches
Body Length: 2 and 1/4 inches
Body Diameter: 1 and 7/16 inches
Wall Thickness: 3/16 inches

Weight of filling: 1 ounce
Total Weight: 16 ounces
Charge/Weight Ratio: 6.6%

Color: Canister unpainted aluminum.  One red bar on closing plate indicates 2-second delay.  Two red bars on closing plate indicates 4 seconds delay for the pull percussion igniter.

Construction: The assembly is composed of two parts: the bomb and the canister.  The body is cylindrical and made of cast steel.  The base and head are internally threaded, the base to accept a suspension hook and the nose for a steel closing plug.  Attached to the suspension hook is a cord which is also tied to a split ring.  The parachute is attached to the split ring by eight cords.  The split ring is also attached to the pull friction igniter which is threaded into the steel closing plug.

The bomb assembly is housed in a barrel-shaped aluminum canister, the body of which is formed in two separate sections and closed at the ends by twin closing plates.

Operation: On release of bomb, the canister comes apart and bomb falls clear.  When the parachute opens, the shroud pulls the striker release plate out.  The striker is then forced into the percussion cap.  This action explodes the bomb.

Suspension: Thought to be carried in large containers.

1kg SD Mortar Bomb, SD 1, SD 1 FRZ

SD 1
Overall length: 6.7 inches
Body Length: 4.25 inches
Body Diameter: 2 inches
Wall Thickness: 0.4 in nose; 0.2 inches tail
Tail Length: 1.25 inches
Tail Width: 2 inches

Filling: Cast TNT
Total Weight: 2 pounds

Overall length: 6.06 inches
Body Length: 3.75 inches
Body Diameter: 2 inches
Wall Thickness: 0.12 inches
Tail Length: 1.22 inches
Tail Width: 2 inches

Filling: Amatol 30/70; Granular TNT
Total Weight: 1.1 pounds

Color: SD1 yellow, FRZ is mustard color.  Tail (sheet steel) black, (cast aluminum) natural color.  Ogive is painted red on Amatol-filled bombs.

Markings on FRZ:

Construction: Both bombs have a steel body.  The SD 1 tail assembly is of light metal fins and a drum.  Tail assembly screws into the bomb.

The FRZ tail assembly also screws into the base of the bomb.  It is in the form of a cup with three sheet metal pieces spot welded on to it to form six fins.  Both sheet steel and aluminum tails were used.

-SD 392 bombs in AB 500-1 container; 224 bombs in AB 250-2 container; 50 bombs in AB 70-D1 container.

Packing is nose to tail with tail cup of each forming a safety device for fuze behind it.

FRZ bombs are carried in AB 70-D1 container and packed in the same manner as the SD1 bombs.

Remarks: The FRZ is a French bomb used by the Germans.

2kg "Butterfly" SD 2A and SD 2B

Overall length: 3.5 inches
Body Length: 3.1 inches
Body Diameter: 3 inches
Wall thickness: 3/8 inches

Filling: Cast TNT surrounded by a layer of bitumen composition.

Weight of filling: 7.5 ounces
Total Weight: 4,4 pounds
Charge/Weight Ratio: 11.4%

Color: Body of bomb may be painted either black, lead-grey, red, yellow, or field gray.  If the bomb is painted field gray it may have a 3/4-inch yellow band on the body, the wing assembly will be painted field grey with a yellow stripe on the inside and outside of the wings and may have a 3/4-inch red stripe at right angles to the yellow stripe on the wings.  If the bomb body is painted yellow, the wings will be painted yellow with a 3/4-inch strip of red on the wings.  In addition to the specific color combination given, the wings may be field grey or unpainted.

Construction: The body of the bomb is a cylindrical cast iron casing.  A fuze pocket is situated transversely in the side of the body.  The SD 2A and SD 2B differ only in the method in which the fuze is secured in the bomb.  The fuze is threaded into the SD 2A while it is secured in the SD 2B by a bayonet joint and two U-shaped safety clips.

The bomb body is encased in a thin sheet steel container made in four pieces - two end flaps and two pieces covering the sides of the bomb.  These parts are hinged together, the hinges being mounted with torsion springs tending to force the parts of the wings away from the body, but are prevented from opening until a safety pin is pulled when container opens.

After release, the wings, because of their air drag, rise to the upper end of the 6-inch wire cable connected to the fuze.  The rotation of the wings relative to the bomb body arms the fuze.  When fuze (41) A is employed in the bomb, the wings consist of two triangular shaped flaps.

Suspension: 23 bombs in the AB 23 SD 2 container; 108 bombs in the AB 250-3 container; 6 bombs in the Mark 500 Roden container; 24 bombs in the AB 24t container.

SB 3kg

Overall length: 13 and 5/8 inches
Body Length: 13 and 5/8 inches
Body Diameter: 3 and 3/16 inches
Wall thickness: 1/16 inches
Tail Length:  [Left blank in manual]
Tail Width: [Left blank in manual]
Filling: [Left blank in manual]

Weight of Filling: 4 pounds
Total Weight: 6.5 pounds
Charge/Weight Ratio: 61.5%

Color and Markings: Two yellow stripes, diametrically opposite, run length of case.

Stenciling in black on case:
SB 3
Wurfur AB 36
10 bb 242

Construction: The case consists of a welded steel tube 1/16 inch thick, which has a pressed steel filler cap threaded on to the nose.  Two cardboard discs cover the filling under the nose cap.

A steel fuze adapter, of spot welded construction, is crimped on to the base of the bomb.  No fuzes were found in the specimen recovered, but enemy documents indicate that these bombs are fitted with the mechanical impact all-ways acting (23) A fuze.  Design of adapter in base confirms documentary evidence.

There is no form of tail or stabilizing ring.

Suspension: Thought to be carried in containers.

Remarks: Captured documents have pointed to the existence of the 3-kg SB 3 but only one specimen has been found.

Next Time: Miscellaneous Small Bombs (Part 2)

Source: German Explosive Ordnance Vol. 1: Bombs, Rockets, Grenades, Mines, Fuzes & Igniters

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