Italian Explosive Ordnance
75/13mm HE
75/13mm HE M32

Guns used in: 75/18mm and 75/34mm SPAG, and 75/27mm Field Gun
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10
Overall length (w/ fuze): 319 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 305 mm
Diameter at base: 64.4 mm
Distance base to band: 58 mm
Width of band: 9.7 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Weight of filling: 0.6 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Total length of round:
75/18 - 479.1 mm
75/34 - 580.7 mm
Weight of complete round:
75/18 - 7.725 kg
75/34 - 8.52 kg
Weight of propellent charge:
75/18 - 0.42kg Ballistite
75/34 - 0.69kg F.B1 Powder
75/27mm HE M32
Guns used in: 75/18mm SPAG, 75/13mm Mountain Gun
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10 or I.O. M40 p.c.
Overall length (w/ fuze): 319 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 305mm
Diameter at base: Unknown
Distance base to band: 46 mm
Width of band: 9.7 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Type of filling: TNT
Weight of filling: 0.6 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Total length of round: 591.5 mm
Weight of complete round: 7.725 kg
Weight of propellent charge: 0.42 kg Ballistite
75/32mm HE
Guns used in: 75/34mm SPAG, 75/32mm Field Gun
Fuzing: Nose Fuze I.O. M. 36/40 or Nose Fuze A.D.E. M36
Overall length: 351 mm
Diameter at base: 65.2 mm
Distance base to band: 53 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Width of band: 15 mm
Type of filling: Probably TNT
Weight of filling: Unknown
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Remarks: The same projectile is used in fixed or semi-fixed type ammunition. The cartridge case used for fixed round for the 75/34mm gun is 632.1 mm long and weighs 8.42 kg. The propellent consists of I.B.I. powder weighing 0.69 kg.
Guns used in: 75/13mm Mountain Gun
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10 I.M35 p.c., I.M38 p.c, or I.M40 p.c.
Overall length of round: 266 mm
Diameter at base: 74.2 mm
Distance base to band: Unknown
Width of band: Unknown
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.6 mm
Type of filling: MNDT or TNT
Weight of filling: 0.37 kilograms
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.37 kilograms
75/13mm HE (Light Case)

Guns used in: 75/13mm Field Gun
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M (Guerritore) or M10
Overall length of round (w/o fuze): 276.7 mm
Diameter at base: 74.2 mm
Distance base to band: 38 mm
Width of band: 12 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.6 mm
Type of filling: MDNT or TNT
Weight of filling: 0.53 kilograms
Weight of loaded projectile: 5.1 kilograms
Booster used: No. 1 M38
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10 I.M35 p.c., I.M38 p.c, or I.M40 p.c.
Overall length of round: 266 mm
Diameter at base: 74.2 mm
Distance base to band: Unknown
Width of band: Unknown
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.6 mm
Type of filling: MNDT or TNT
Weight of filling: 0.37 kilograms
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.37 kilograms
75/13mm HE (Light Case)

Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M (Guerritore) or M10
Overall length of round (w/o fuze): 276.7 mm
Diameter at base: 74.2 mm
Distance base to band: 38 mm
Width of band: 12 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.6 mm
Type of filling: MDNT or TNT
Weight of filling: 0.53 kilograms
Weight of loaded projectile: 5.1 kilograms
Booster used: No. 1 M38
75/13mm HE M32

Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10
Overall length (w/ fuze): 319 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 305 mm
Diameter at base: 64.4 mm
Distance base to band: 58 mm
Width of band: 9.7 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Weight of filling: 0.6 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Total length of round:
75/18 - 479.1 mm
75/34 - 580.7 mm
Weight of complete round:
75/18 - 7.725 kg
75/34 - 8.52 kg
Weight of propellent charge:
75/18 - 0.42kg Ballistite
75/34 - 0.69kg F.B1 Powder
75/27mm HE M32
Fuzing: Nose Percussion Fuze M10 or I.O. M40 p.c.
Overall length (w/ fuze): 319 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 305mm
Diameter at base: Unknown
Distance base to band: 46 mm
Width of band: 9.7 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Type of filling: TNT
Weight of filling: 0.6 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Total length of round: 591.5 mm
Weight of complete round: 7.725 kg
Weight of propellent charge: 0.42 kg Ballistite
75/32mm HE
Fuzing: Nose Fuze I.O. M. 36/40 or Nose Fuze A.D.E. M36
Overall length: 351 mm
Diameter at base: 65.2 mm
Distance base to band: 53 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Width of band: 15 mm
Type of filling: Probably TNT
Weight of filling: Unknown
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.35 kg
Remarks: The same projectile is used in fixed or semi-fixed type ammunition. The cartridge case used for fixed round for the 75/34mm gun is 632.1 mm long and weighs 8.42 kg. The propellent consists of I.B.I. powder weighing 0.69 kg.
75/32mm A.D.E. HE
Guns used in: 75/32mm Field Gun
Fuzing: Nose Fuze A.D.E. M36
Overall length (w/ fuze): 368 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 273 mm
Diameter at base: 65.2 mm
Distance base to band: 42 mm
Width of band: 14 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Type of filling: Unknown
Weight of filling: 0.5 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.3 kg
Cartridge case: Type for 75/32mm gun
Remarks: The projectile is called a double-purpose type by the Italians and Germans. It can be set for serial burst or impact.
Fuzing: Nose Fuze A.D.E. M36
Overall length (w/ fuze): 368 mm
Overall length (w/o fuze): 273 mm
Diameter at base: 65.2 mm
Distance base to band: 42 mm
Width of band: 14 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.74 mm
Type of filling: Unknown
Weight of filling: 0.5 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.3 kg
Cartridge case: Type for 75/32mm gun
Remarks: The projectile is called a double-purpose type by the Italians and Germans. It can be set for serial burst or impact.
75/46mm HE M34
Guns used in: 75/46mm Anti-Aircraft Gun
Fuzing: Nose Fuze M.T. for 75/46, M.T. 36 or Time M36
Overall length: Unknown
Diameter at base: Unknown
Distance base to band: Unknown
Width of bands:
1st Band: 15 mm
2nd Band: 16 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.75 mm
Type of filling: TNT
Weight of filling: 0.33 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.5 kg
Booster: No. 5 M38
Remarks: The projectile has double rotation band with a space of 10 mm between them. The complete rounds weigh 10.645 kg and are 866.7 mm long. The propelling charge is C2 weighing 1.47 kg.
Guns used in: 75/46mm Anti-Aircraft Gun
Fuzing: Nose Fuze M.T. for 75/46, M.T. 36 or Time M36
Overall length: Unknown
Diameter at base: Unknown
Distance base to band: Unknown
Width of bands:
1st Band: 15 mm
2nd Band: 16 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.75 mm
Type of filling: TNT
Weight of filling: 0.33 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.5 kg
Booster: No. 5 M38
Remarks: The projectile has double rotation band with a space of 10 mm between them. The complete rounds weigh 10.645 kg and are 866.7 mm long. The propelling charge is C2 weighing 1.47 kg.
75/46mm HE M36
Guns used in: 75/46mm Anti-Aircraft Gun
Fuzing: Nose Fuze A.D.E. M36
Overall length: Unknown
Diameter at base: Unknown
Distance base to band: Unknown
Width of bands:
1st Band: 15 mm
2nd Band: 16 mm
Width of bands:
1st Band: 15 mm
2nd Band: 16 mm
Diameter at bourrelet: 74.75 mm
Type of filling: TNT
Weight of filling: 0.345 kg
Weight of loaded projectile: 6.355 kg
Length of complete round: 880.4 mm
Length of cartridge case: 582.7 mm
Type of propellant:
-1.07 kg C2 Powder, or
-1.945 kg N.A.C. Powder, or
-1.605 kg M.B. Powder, or
-1.685 kg F.C4 Powder, or
-1.617 kg F.B1 Powder
Remarks: Double rotating band 10 mm apart. Projectile almost identical to 75 HE M34.
Length of complete round: 880.4 mm
Length of cartridge case: 582.7 mm
Type of propellant:
-1.07 kg C2 Powder, or
-1.945 kg N.A.C. Powder, or
-1.605 kg M.B. Powder, or
-1.685 kg F.C4 Powder, or
-1.617 kg F.B1 Powder
Remarks: Double rotating band 10 mm apart. Projectile almost identical to 75 HE M34.
Next Time: Italian 75mm Projectiles (Part 2)
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