37mm and 45mm Artillery and Tank Gun Projectiles
37mm Complete Round, Fixed, Frag-T- UOR-167
This round is fired from the 37mm anti-aircraft gun M1939. It is used against aircraft, personnel, and equipment. The wall thickness and material of the projectile, in conjunction with the type and weight of the explosive filler, are designed to produce the maximum number of lethal fragments.
The MG-8 fuze is used in this round.
Caliber: 37mm (1.46 in)
Weight of complete round: 1.47kg (3.23 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 0.73kg (1.61 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: 0.21kg (0.47 lb)
Type of projectile filler: TNT
Weight of projectile filler: 0.035kg (0.077 lb)
The illustrated container has a capacity of 30 rounds. The ammunition is packed in two levels (15 rounds in each level) and is held in place by contour blocking. Rounds may be fuzed, or may have a plastic shipping plug in the fuze well.
When filled with fuzed rounds, the container weighs about 66.7kg (147 lbs); with unfuzed ammunition, it weighs about 56.2kg (124 lbs). The gross weight, given in the form БРУТТО 66 КГ, may be stenciled on the box.
When filled with fuzed rounds, the container weighs about 66.7kg (147 lbs); with unfuzed ammunition, it weighs about 56.2kg (124 lbs). The gross weight, given in the form БРУТТО 66 КГ, may be stenciled on the box.
37mm Complete Round, Fixed, AP-T, UBR-167
This round is fired from the 37mm anti-aircraft gun M1939. The round is normally fired against ground targets, such as light armored vehicles. The armor-piercing tracer projectile BR-167 is a solid shot, without armor-piercing cap.
A windshield is secured to the projectile body by a 360 degree crimp just forward of the bourrelet. A tracer element is screwed into the base of the projectile.
No fuze is used in this round.
Caliber: 37mm (1.46 in)
Weight of complete round: 1.47kg (3.23 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 0.77kg (1.69 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: 0.21kg (0.47 lb)
Type of projectile filler: None (Solid Shot)
Weight of projectile filler: Not Applicable
The illustrated container has a capacity of 30 rounds, with a gross weight of approximately 69kg (151 lbs). The ammunition is packed in two levels (15 rounds in each level) and is held in place by contour blocking.
45mm Complete Round, Fixed, Frag, UO-243
This round is fired from the now obsolete 45mm anti-tank guns M1932, M1937, and M1942; and from the 45mm tank guns M1932 and M1934, which were mounted in the obsolete Soviet T-70 light tank. (The T-70 tank is obsolete, but its reappearance is still possible.)
Fragmentation rounds are used to destroy personnel and equipment. They are designed to produce the maximum number of lethal fragments. Either the KT-1 or KTM-1 fuze is used in this round.
The following complete rounds are variants of the illustrated round:
UO-243A, with O-240A projectile using the KTM-1 fuze; and
UO-243M with O-240 or O-240M projectile using the KTM-1 fuze.
These variants are fired from the same weapons and, except for differences in markings, are similar to the UO-243 in external appearance.
Caliber: 45mm (1.77 in)
Weight of complete round: 2.8kg (6.31 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 2.1kg (4.64 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
Type of projectile filler: Cast TNT
Weight of projectile filler: 0.1kg (0.22 lb)
The illustrated wooden container has a capacity of 10 rounds.
This ammunition may also be found in an olive-drab metal carrying case with a capacity of five rounds. The case is provided with suitable wooden cradles.
45mm Complete Round, Fixed, AP-T, UBR-243
This round is fired from the now obsolete 45mm anti-tank guns M1932, M1937, and M1942; and from the 45mm tank guns M1932 and M1934, which were mounted in the obsolete Soviet T-70 light tank. The round is used against tanks, various other types of armored vehicles, and field fortifications. Its projectile contains a small base cavity filled with high explosive.
The BR-240 armor-piercing tracer projectile in this round uses the MD-2 or the MD-5 fuze. The same complete round (with projectile BR-240 and fuze MD-2 or MD-5, as shown in the above drawing) has been found with the identification code UBZR-243 stenciled on the cartridge case. Although this code signifies an API-T complete round, analysis discloses that the projectile has no incendiary element.
The complete round UB-243, with armor-piercing projectile B-240 and fuze MD-2 or MD-5, is a variant of the illustrated round. It is basically the same as the UBR-243, but its projectile has no tracer element. It is fired from the same weapons and, except for differences in markings, it is almost identical to the UBR-243 in external appearance.
The BR-240 armor-piercing tracer projectile in this round uses the MD-2 or the MD-5 fuze. The same complete round (with projectile BR-240 and fuze MD-2 or MD-5, as shown in the above drawing) has been found with the identification code UBZR-243 stenciled on the cartridge case. Although this code signifies an API-T complete round, analysis discloses that the projectile has no incendiary element.
The complete round UB-243, with armor-piercing projectile B-240 and fuze MD-2 or MD-5, is a variant of the illustrated round. It is basically the same as the UBR-243, but its projectile has no tracer element. It is fired from the same weapons and, except for differences in markings, it is almost identical to the UBR-243 in external appearance.
Caliber: 45mm (1.77 in)
Weight of complete round: 2.42kg (5.33 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 1.45kg (3.15 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: 0.36kg (0.79 lb)
Type of projectile filler: RDX/Aluminium (74/22)
Weight of projectile filler: 0.03kg (0.06 lb)
The illustrated wooden container has a capacity of 10 rounds, with a gross weight of about 33kg (73lbs). The gross weight may be stenciled on the box, in the form БРУТТО 33 КГ.
This ammunition may also be found in an olive-drab metal carrying case with a capacity of five rounds. The case is provided with suitable wooden cradles.
45mm Complete Round, Fixed, HVAP-T, UBR-243P
This round is fired from the now obsolete 45mm anti-tank guns M1932, M1937, and M1942; and from the 45mm tank guns M1932 and M1934, which were mounted in the obsolete Soviet T-70 light tank. The round is used against tanks, various other types of armored vehicles, and armored fortifications. Its projectile is a solid shot with a tungsten carbide core.
The BR-240P high-velocity, armor-piercing tracer projectile in this round has no fuze.
Note: Stamped numbers shown on the body of the projectile in the above illustration were taken from an actual projectile. They are believed to identify the projectile by manufacturing plant, lot number, and year of manufacture. A fourth number (possibly the smelt number) sometimes appears in the same line, or on the opposite side of the projectile. The identification code number which is stenciled on all other types of projectiles apparently does not appear on HVAP projectiles.
Caliber: 45mm (1.77 in)
Weight of complete round: 1.86kg (4.1 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 0.87kg (1.91 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: 0.35kg (0.76 lb)
Type of projectile filler: Tungsten Carbide
Weight of projectile filler: 0.254kg (0.56 lb)
The illustrated wooden container has a capacity of 10 rounds, with a gross weight of about 27kg (59 lbs). The gross weight may be stenciled on the box, in the form БРУТТО 27 КГ. The abbreviation ПОДКАЛ, as shown in the above drawing, means that the packing box contains "subcaliber" (HVAP) ammunition.
Two types of metal carrying cases, each with a capacity of five rounds, may also be found. One type is provided with wooden cradles; the other has built-in pressed-metal contour blocking. Both types have a hinged lid, finger-tip pressure latches, and a carrying handle.
Two types of metal carrying cases, each with a capacity of five rounds, may also be found. One type is provided with wooden cradles; the other has built-in pressed-metal contour blocking. Both types have a hinged lid, finger-tip pressure latches, and a carrying handle.
45mm Complete Round, Fixed, Canister, UShch-243

This round is fired from the now obsolete 45mm anti-tank guns M1932, M1937, and M1942; and from the 45mm tank guns M1932 and M1934, which were mounted in the obsolete Soviet T-70 light tank. The round is used exclusively against personnel in the open, at short range.
Its projectile consists of a light case (usually made of a heavy cardboard) containing 137 balls of a lead and antimony composition. The case breaks upon leaving the muzzle of the gun, and the balls scatter in a manner of a shotgun shell.
The Shch-240 canister projectile in this round has no fuze.
Caliber: 45mm (1.77 in)
Weight of complete round: 2.36kg (5.19 lbs)
Weight of projectile, as fired: 1.57kg (3.44 lbs)
Weight of propellant, w/o igniter: ?kg (? lb)
Type of projectile filler: Ball Shrapnel (137 metal balls)
Weight of projectile filler: 1.48kg (3.25 lb)
The illustrated container has a capacity of 10 rounds, with a gross weight of 30.39kg (67 lbs).
This ammunition may also be found in an olive-drab metal carrying case with a capacity of five rounds. The case is provided with suitable wooden cradles.
This ammunition may also be found in an olive-drab metal carrying case with a capacity of five rounds. The case is provided with suitable wooden cradles.
Next Time: 57mm Projectiles
Hi, do you have documentation for the F-73 ammo?
ReplyDeleteHello, I do but it has not yet made its way onto the blog. What would you like to know about it?
DeleteI actually would like to know as much information as the above munitions have, since I really couldn't find anything about it in the web. (except for some characteristics found in Wikipedia)
DeleteNot much I can provide at the moment, but here's a few snippets:
DeleteФ-73 / УФБ-73
F-73 / UFB-73
1,410 grams
760 / 835 [m/sec] muzzle velocity
MD-8 [fuze]
Capable of penetrating 15mm thick steel plate at 2000 meters striking at 60 degrees.